The House of Echoes and the Ether Heracles Adventures
Hello, it’s a week since The House of Echoes was released and a huge thank you to everyone who has bought and reviewed it so far, you’re amazing.
Within the story is another series of books: the Ether Heracles Adventures. They’re integral to the plot and in order to make them feel real, I spent a week or so plotting the ten books that make up the world famous bestselling books written by Dexter Blake.
One day, when the words weren’t flowing for The House of Echoes, I decided to fiddle around with the Ether Heracles blurbs that I’d written for the back of the book. As I did, the story of Ether and his crew of rebels began to form in my mind. Although I have no intention of throwing myself into the world of sci-fi, it’s fun to escape there every now and then for a holiday.
If you’re interested, here are the first two chapters of Dexter Blake’s first book, Ether Heracles and Andromeda’s Sphere.
Hope you enjoy the story!
All the images are generated by AI from
Earth: 2050
The red dots appeared in the sky. No one knew what they were. There were ninety-nine of them and they looked like balloons. The kind you would find at a children’s party or you would have done had such happy, innocent events continued to exist.
Every watch tower, every view point monitored the dots as they floated towards the war-ravaged Earth. Decades of fighting had left the planet a desperate wasteland but for the first time in generations, the remaining inhabitants were joined in a common cause: watching, waiting, their weapons trained on the drifting visitors in the sky.
Slowly, they descended and were greeted with the last of the firepower Earth had to offer. It was deflected with the ease of a child sweeping away a spider’s web on an autumn morning and then there was nothing left to do except hide or wait or die.
The beings who emerged were familiar, they claimed to be an ancient race of humans who had quit the planet many millennia earlier. They exuded a calm wisdom, a feeling of peace and safety. Each with their perfect skin, glowing with silvery lights, their hair which moved as though a perpetual breeze could not resist lifting and stroking the heavy tresses. Their eyes were wider, more seal-like than human but they were kind, ranging in colour from the darkest of browns to the lightest of greens and every hue of the rainbow in between.
Exhausted from war, the leaders of Earth signed a peace treaty with this race who called themselves the Boucicauly, named for their first great leader. The days of sadness were over, the era of abundance had begun, this is what the Boucicauly decreed. Earth would be rebuilt, it would be bountiful once again and, thanks to the advanced technology of the new overlords, Earth would become a member of the intergalactic community. Space travel was possible, holidays to Boucicauly colonies on stars in far-flung galaxies, no shortage of work, happiness or perfection. The people of Earth rejoiced.
It was not long before they discovered the Boucicauly had lied.
And once more, the Earth and its people were plunged into a desperate battle for survival.
Chapter 1: Shadows of Betrayal
Earth Barrack 894, Year 2085.
The sky was a perpetual twilight, a bruised purple created by the toxic cloud left over from the space wars. The Earth wasn’t home anymore—not since the Boucicauly had remade it in their image thirty-five years earlier. The barracks, with their steel corridors and flickering neon lights, felt more like a prison than a military outpost but what choice did the inhabitant of Earth have? Capitulate or die. The choice was stark and brutal.
Captain Ether Heracles stared out across the ravaged landscape. His grandmother had once described the lush greenness of the countryside and he tried to imagine how it might once have looked – abundant, bucolic – but now it was a mass of grey and red, the swirling dust like fire in the air, toppled rocks smashed and crumbling against the twisted remains of mighty skyscrapers. His wrist-comm pinged and with a weary heart he accessed the encrypted orders, knowing it would be a command he would struggle to obey. He glanced down and as he read the scrolling words, everything in his life changed.
‘What the…?’
His breath became shallow and a tightness grew in his chest as he read the diktat:
Luna of Yoru. Taranis Locomute of Runetof. Bylgja Opus of Earth. Crime: Rebellion against the Boucicauly. Sentence: Death.
Bylgja. He hadn’t seen her since they were children but he had followed her career. She was a war hero, why had she been sentenced to death? Ether’s hand trembled. He knew she was fiery, passionate but she was loyal. How could she be accused of rebellion? They all knew it was futile. And, if she were to die, what about him? The past was tracked, would they come for him next?
He stepped inside not noticing the clang as the doors shut behind him. The barracks were silent, save for the hum of the distant reactors keeping the compound’s defences online. He allowed his feet to follow the familiar route towards the guards’ quarters as he tried to make sense of what he had been told to do. The faint blue light of his comms shadowed his face, making his shocked expression appear hard and severe.
Rebellion against the Boucicauly.
The words danced across his mind. There was always talk about rebels, a hidden band of warriors determined to free the known Universes from the scourge of the dark reign of the Boucicauly but he had always dismissed it as fantasy. How could anyone hope to defeat a regime so vast and powerful it stretched across galaxies? Ether and his fellow soldiers had been told repeatedly since they were children that rebellion was futile. It was a constant mantra, pumped out through computer screens, comms, any device through which the populace was contactable: Rebellion is futile.
Yet, Bylgja had been sentenced to death for rebellion. It made no sense.
Lucifer Transmere’s voice broke into his thoughts; deep and resonant, but with an edge of amusement. Ether had been so engrossed in his concerns, he had not seen his friend leaning against the corridor’s steel wall. Lucifer’s arms were crossed and his dark eyes gleamed under the flickering lights. A tall man, with broad shoulders and thick dark hair, Ether and Lucifer had grown up together, training at the same military academy and sharing their first tours of duty. Ether admired Lucifer’s ability to treat life lightly, to brush over troubles and take the path of least resistance, even if it meant he was loose with his morals, always putting his own safety first.
‘What’s up with you?’ Lucifer asked in his usual casual, mocking tone.
‘These executions, what do you think?’
‘It’s not like we haven’t done worse.’
‘Have we?’
‘They’re rebels,’ said Lucifer. ‘Everyone knows rebellion is futile.’
‘Which is what makes me wonder if calling them rebels is an excuse. No one in their right mind would go against the Boucicauly.’
‘There are rumours there’s a secret underground movement working to bring the Boucicauly down,’ said Lucifer.
‘There are also rumours that you don’t cheat at cards and we all know that’s a myth,’ Ether replied and Lucifer laughed.
‘What’s spooked you about these three?’ he asked.
‘Have you even read the command?’ Ether asked.
‘Why bother? You’re the good boy who always checks the details.’
‘One of them is Bylgja.’
Lucifer pushed off the wall, his eyebrows raising in surprise.
‘Bylgja Opus? You’re kidding me. She was decorated after the attack of the Escapods two years ago. Does it give any details of her crime?’
‘Scant information: REBELLION AGAINST BOUCICAULY is all it says.’
‘Well, well, well, I never would have imagined Bylgja Opus kicking back and turning on the Boucicauly. She was a ruthless warrior.’
Lucifer laughed—a hollow, empty sound that grated on Ether’s nerves.
‘She’s still alive,’ Ether said.
‘For now,’ said Lucifer with a grin. ‘It doesn’t change anything. We’ve got orders. You and I both know what happens if we don’t follow them.’
Ether didn’t need reminding: execution by firing squad, or worse—sentenced to one of the Boucicauly’s death camps where people disappeared into the endless mines or became fodder for the overlords’ experiments.
Lucifer stepped closer, lowering his voice,
‘Listen, we’re soldiers. We don’t pick sides. Not anymore. The Boucicauly saved Earth. You saw the records—the wars, the famines. They brought peace.’
‘Peace?’ Ether said and for the first time he allowed his bitterness to show. ‘You call this peace?’
He gestured around the austere corridor, pockmarked with scars from laser fire, scratched and dented, rust forming around the rivets.
‘We’re not soldiers, we’re their enforcers. And for what? To keep them in power while they strip our planet of resources, crush every bit of our self-respect and spread their evil further into the known Universes?’
Lucifer’s eyes darkened. He took a step closer, his voice a harsh whisper.
‘Don’t be stupid, Ether. They’re watching and listening. Every move, every word. You think they don’t have eyes and ears in this very barrack?’
Ether didn’t respond. He knew Lucifer could be brusque, unsentimental but he was a good soldier and, despite everything, Ether knew Lucifer would always have his back. Yet, he could feel the hideous weight of the Boucicauly’s control— looming, oppressive.
The door hissed open and Lieutenant Allegra Cadwallader, pilot and technology whizz, walked along the corridor towards them, the sound of her boots striking the floor echoed through the tense air. Her eyes, sharp and assessing, flicked between Ether and Lucifer.
‘Is this a bad time?’ she drawled, although her eyes were serious. ‘Are you boys having a lover’s tiff?’
Her long red hair was pulled back into a tight braid, her uniform, impeccable.
‘Just discussing tomorrow’s festivities,’ Lucifer said turning his gaze toward Allegra. ‘You ready to play executioner, Red?’
Allegra’s face hardened at the nickname. Ether knew she hated it and Lucifer used it to irritate her.
‘Ether’s having a hard time with it because one of the rebels is a war hero,’ sneered Lucifer.
‘Bylgja Opus,’ said Ether.
‘Bylgja? No way,’ said Allegra. ‘She’s was promoted to Major last month. Anyway, rebellion is futile, there is no rebellion.’
Ether glanced over and Allegra met his gaze, her blue eyes narrowed. He couldn’t read her expression but he knew her well enough to know there was something wrong.
‘Yeah…’ he began but she spoke over him.
‘Orders are orders,’ Allegra said, her tone was neutral, ‘but we all know it’s a waste of lives. They should be sent to the camps, be made to do something useful.’
‘Allegra, you’re a Boucicauly pin up girl,’ said Lucifer with a snide laugh. ‘It’s no waste. It’s survival, which is the only thing that matters.’
Survival, thought Ether. Is that all it came down to in this twisted universe. But survival for who? And at what cost?
Later, in The Oisin’s storage bay…
Ether paced the small, dimly lit storage bay of his ship The Oisin. It had once been a freighter, travelling between planets with food cargos but Ether had bought it, converting it into a private ship. It had been his sanctuary for years, the perfect place to escape when the pressure of work became too intense. A ticket to freedom, should he ever need it. Ownership of vehicles was limited to the higher echelons of society and Ether knew he was in a privileged position. His exemplary war record allowed him the clearance to fly between galaxies but even these were monitored and, on occasions, questioned.
It was a medium-sized ship and could be flown with a smallish crew. He usually hired people, not wishing to employ a permanent team and today, he was relieved it was empty. There was nowhere private in the barracks and he needed space and time to think.
Bylgja’s conviction scared him. She was one of the most intelligent women he knew, she was a respected soldier, the suggestion she was being branded a rebel was confusing. Did it mean there really was an underground movement working against the Boucicauly? Or was her punishment a cover for something else? What could she have done that warranted the death sentence?
‘Tell me what’s on your mind Ether.’
He had not heard her board the ship but he was relieved to hear her voice.
‘Allegra,’ he said, pulling her into his arms, relaxing the instant he felt her body against his, her breath in his hair. ‘This is bad.’
He released her, running his hands through his light brown hair, a sure sign he was agitated. Ether stopped pacing and met her gaze.
‘Bylgja. She’s my…’ he paused, to reveal the truth would put them both in danger. ‘We grew up together, our families are entwined.’
Allegra’s expression didn’t falter, but her lips pressed into a thin line. The words felt heavier than the silence that followed.
‘I knew something was off when I saw the orders.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘The other two prisoners, Luna and Taranis, both are from peaceful nations. And Bylgja. This makes no sense.’
‘Allegra, they’re rebels,’ said Ether.
‘For a rebellion we’re told doesn’t exist, has never existed? Yet we seem to be executing more and more “rebels” every month. These three haven’t even had a trial.’
‘What? How do you know?’
Allegra bit her lip.
‘I shouldn’t implicate you…’
‘Tell me,’ he insisted.
‘I hacked the computer and they were arrested two days ago in the west. There’s no information stating why but they were put under the highest security and transported back here. The moment they arrived, they were sentenced. No trial, nothing.’
‘But that goes against everything we’ve ever been told,’ said Ether.
‘I also discovered the execution records are deleted every week,’ said Allegra. ‘There’s no trace of them anywhere, I searched extensively. The Boucicauly are hiding their tracks.’
‘But why?’
‘Perhaps Bylgja discovered a secret and this is why they’re so keen to discredit her.’
‘It makes more sense than simply stating she’s a rebel,’ he admitted.
Allegra took a breath, stepping closer to him, she dropped her voice so it was barely audible.
‘Despite what you think,’ she murmured, ‘the fight isn’t over. Earth isn’t defeated.’
‘What?’ he stared down at her in surprise, his heart thumping.
‘Rebellion is futile,’ she said in her normal voice but she walked across to the control console and flipped a few switches.
‘What are you…?’ he began but she put her finger to her lips, a gesture from childhood telling him to be quiet.
A moment later, she turned to him, her voice at normal volume.
‘I’ve blocked the spyware with a transient bug, it’ll look as though you’ve lost power or are rebooting but for the next fifteen minutes until the system overrides it and brings it back online, no one can hear us.’
‘Allegra, what the hell is going on?’
‘Ether, you’re one of the good guys but sometimes you’re too trusting. It’s time you knew the truth.’
‘There’s a rebellion?’
‘Of course,’ said Allegra, ‘and Bylgja is head a secret underground cell. She’s been making headway with plans to destabilise the Boucicauly but she must have been caught trying to take Luna and Taranis Locomute to safety. We need to make a plan because we don’t have time to sit around waiting for a miracle.’
‘Are you suggesting we rescue them?’ he said. She gave him a wide smile.
‘Of course I am,’ she said.
‘But then what?’
‘We run,’ she said. ‘You’re a good man Ether. We need you on our side.’
Ether stared at her in astonishment, then it was as though an explosion of understanding filled his head. How could he have been so stupid? Of course there was a rebellion and by the looks of it, both Allegra and Bylgja were onboard. He berated himself for being so foolish, for allowing his despair to cloud his survival instinct but now, for the first time in years, he felt hope.
‘How long have you known?’ he asked.
‘About a year,’ she replied. ‘Bylgja recruited me and we’ve both been trying to find the right moment to persuade you to join us but we didn’t want to endanger you.’
‘Do you mean you didn’t trust me? Did you think I was Boucicauly through and through.’
‘No,’ she said, ‘we knew you were having doubts about your orders but it’s not the kind of thing you blurt out over a few drinks in the bar.’
He grinned.
‘You’re right,’ he said, ‘but you’ve told me now and I’m in.’
‘Good choice,’ Allegra said.
Ether’s pulse raced, the way forward was clear.
‘We break them out. All of them. Then we escape in The Oisin,’ he said and Allegra gave him a wry smile.
‘And Lucifer?’ she asked.
Ether swallowed hard. The man was his friend, his comrade through countless battles but Ether would be a fool not to admit that in the last few months, Lucifer had changed. He feared his friend had been twisted by the Boucicauly’s promises of comfort and power but he also knew a good heart beat in his body.
‘I’ll handle Lucifer,’ Ether said his voice steady even though his heart was subsumed in doubt.
‘You’ve made the right choice Ether,’ she said. ‘You won’t regret it.’
‘Let’s hope not,’ he said. ‘We’d better hurry, we’ve got two hours to save some lives.’
Chapter 2: The Escape
Deep within the prison complex was a hidden dock.
‘If we hide it there,’ Allegra said, spinning the 3-D map for Ether to examine from all angles, ‘we’re close enough to the execution pods for it to be viable and we can escape through the westside.’
‘How many people know about this place?’ said Ether as he stared at the hologram of the concealed cavernous chamber. It was carved out of the rock but the walls had been reinforced with sleek metal plating.
‘Not many,’ said Allegra. ‘Last year when I was on secondment to the Thief Detection Squad, I discovered it while I was operating the Anti-Smuggling Drone. It flew down the parallel air duct and I realised there was a space below. The old plans showed there was a room.’
‘What was it?’
‘A port for food deliveries when the complex was first built but when this unit was taken over by the Boucicauly guards, it was abandonded.’
‘Why hasn’t it been shut off?’ asked Ether in surprise.
‘How else would the smugglers escape?’ said Allegra, one eyebrow raised in wry amusement.
‘But the Drones?’
‘The rock blocks their signals and, after I’d found it, I added a few other more reliable safety methods to protect it. I thought it might come in useful one day.’
Ether ran his hand through his hair and let out a sigh of disbelief.
‘You’re blowing my mind, Allegra,’ he said. ‘How long have you been involved in the rebellion?’
‘Rebellion is futile,’ she replied but there was a twinkle in her eye. ‘There is no rebellion.’
Ether was struggling to come to terms with all he head learned. He thought he and Allegra were close but her involvement in the shadowy rebellion made him look at her in a new light. In his naivety, what else had he missed? Now was not the time for introspection though, they were on a tight schedule and the priority was saving the prisoners. He studied the map again, calculating the distance of the hidden dock from the prisoner sectors. The execution wing was positioned near the port and he understood why Allegra had suggested it, the dock would perfect for covert transports and high-security extractions. The question Ether could not help asking was: did the Boucicauly know about the port and were they all walking into a trap?
‘This makes me nervous,’ he admitted to Allegra.
‘This corridor,’ he pointed to the blind dog-leg bend, ‘is a security nightmare.’
‘You’ve got to learn to trust me Ether,’ said Allegra and from her pocket she pulled a small slim device, similar to the old-fashioned ink pens he had seen in the Earth Museum. ‘This is a spy pen, I saw it on one of those films they used to show us and created a version for myself. It’s connected to a sensor on the blind bend and will vibrate if there is disturbance anywhere nearby.’
‘Have you used this port before?’ asked Ether as realisation dawned.
‘Not personally but I’ve helped other people escape undetected.’
Ether stared at her.
‘If we do this, it’s a one-way trip,’ he said. ‘Once we’re on The Oisin, we’ll have to flee. The Boucicauly will hunt us down.’
‘They can try,’ she said, ‘but they’ll fail.’
‘Why now?’
‘It’s been coming for a while and if the Boucicauly have begun arresting soldiers, I suspect my name is on the list,’ she paused, watching Ether’s reaction to her next words, ‘right beside Lucifer’s.’
‘Lucifer is a rebel,’ he said, the words almost choking him.
‘One of the best,’ she said. ‘He’s the one whose been protecting you for so long.’
‘Protecting me?’ said Ether. ‘From what? Or whom?’
‘Yourself mostly,’ she retorted. ‘You take risks every day Ether with your kindnesses to prisoners and the way you try to reason with our superiors. If anyone might be thought to have rebellious tendencies, it’s you.’
A cold shiver ran through him. Was this another reason why Bylgja had been targeted? Once she was dead, would they have come for him next? He finally understood the danger facing them all and his decision was made in a heartbeat.
‘You and Lucifer are the best friends a man could have,’ he said. ‘Let’s do this. Whatever happens next, it has to be better than this.’
© Alexandra Walsh 2025